Scholar In Residence
Rabbi Chanan (Antony) Gordon has become one of the most sought-after lecturers in the
Jewish World today. From his days as a stand-up comic in Johannesburg, South Africa, to
organizing a major music concert while a student on a Fulbright Scholarship at Harvard Law
School, to representing - as a wealth manager and business advisor- some of the most
prominent athletes and celebrities in the world, Rabbi Gordon’s life experiences are unique.
Given Rabbi Gordon’s success in a broad range of disciplines, together with his profound
understanding of the human psyche has resulted in him assuming the role as a life coach and
confidant to several prominent public personalities.
Rabbi Gordon is the host of a critically acclaimed podcast, The Antony Gordon Show
(iTunes/Spotify); was selected as one of the Top 100 TEDx Talks of 2022; is a WSJ and USA
Today Best-Selling Author and was listed amongst the “50 most impactful people in LinkedIn”
for 2022. Rabbi Gordon is a regular contributor to Yated Ne’eman and The Jewish Journal and
was the co-author of “Will Your Grandchild Be Jewish,” one of the most cited articles on
assimilation and Jewish demographics.
Antony/Chanan is a Managing Director at Adeptus Partners, LLC, a leading business
management firm which represents professional athletes, celebrities, and influencers.